Saturday, 5 March 2011

Second team meeting

Got to meet the people from the CELT team who showed it to us.
Looks pretty useful - but I want to get into it and try it.
People in the team are looking to use the CELT to add units of work and to come from that process from different angles. e.g. student use, non-confident teacher use, use for moderation purpose, use with a variety of students.

The other thing happening this week is that teachers submitted their plans.
Man, what a creative group of teachers we have. Here are some of the focuses:
Homework, guided enquiry, revamping the library, immersion in Italian, students and fitness, boys and education, engaging teaching methodologies.
Three things were highlighted:
  1. Lots of teachers want to use the internet as a source of information. I want to steer them onto online teaching groups and forums which have probably already done the work for them.
  2. Lots want to go to conferences but don't know where to find them. In Australia, we have which collects these things (amongst other things) and so I could easily send them out to the staff.
  3. Lots of teachers want to do surveys. We have to be careful not to over-survey so I need to come up with a method of randomly assigning students so that they participate in no more than one survey.
  4. Staff want to do professional reading. My idea is to work with the Library staff to have journals available to staff in the staff room but with a page of 'highlights' or 'must reads' on the front. If the library staff are aware of the foci of the different professional learning plans, they can also target staff.
Lots of good ideas, just need time to implement them.

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